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Sunday, January 29, 2017

What is an Adjective

What Is An Adjective?
An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying words. An adjective usually precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies.
In the following examples, the highlighted words are adjectives:
The truck-shaped balloon floated over the treetops.
Mrs. Morrison papered her kitchen walls with hideous wall paper.
The small boat foundered on the wine dark sea.
The coal mines are dark and dank.
Many stores have already begun to play irritating Christmas music.
A battered music box sat on the mahogany sideboard.
The back room was filled with large, yellow rain boots.
An adjective can be modified by an adverb, or by a phrase or clause functioning as an adverb. In the sentence
My husband knits intricately patterned mittens.
for example, the adverb "intricately" modifies the adjective "patterned."
Some nouns, many pronouns, and many participle phrases can also act as adjectives. In the sentence
Eleanor listened to the muffled sounds of the radio hidden under her pillow.
for example, both highlighted adjectives are past participles.
Grammarians also consider articles ("the," "a," "an") to be adjectives.
Possessive Adjectives
A possessive adjective ("my," "your," "his," "her," "its," "our," "their") is similar or identical to a possessive pronoun; however, it is used as an adjective and modifies a noun or a noun phrase, as in the following sentences:
I can't complete my assignment because I don't have the textbook.
In this sentence, the possessive adjective "my" modifies "assignment" and the noun phrase "my assignment" functions as an object. Note that the possessive pronoun form "mine" is not used to modify a noun or noun phrase.
What is your phone number.
Here the possessive adjective "your" is used to modify the noun phrase "phone number"; the entire noun phrase "your phone number" is a subject complement. Note that the possessive pronoun form "yours" is not used to modify a noun or a noun phrase.
The bakery sold his favourite type of bread.
In this example, the possessive adjective "his" modifies the noun phrase "favourite type of bread" and the entire noun phrase "his favourite type of bread" is the direct object of the verb "sold."
After many years, she returned to her homeland.
Here the possessive adjective "her" modifies the noun "homeland" and the noun phrase "her homeland" is the object of the preposition "to." Note also that the form "hers" is not used to modify nouns or noun phrases.
We have lost our way in this wood.
In this sentence, the possessive adjective "our" modifies "way" and the noun phrase "our way" is the direct object of the compound verb "have lost". Note that the possessive pronoun form "ours" is not used to modify nouns or noun phrases.
In many fairy tales, children are neglected by their parents.
Here the possessive adjective "their" modifies "parents" and the noun phrase "their parents" is the object of the preposition "by." Note that the possessive pronoun form "theirs" is not used to modify nouns or noun phrases.
The cat chased its ball down the stairs and into the backyard.
In this sentence, the possessive adjective "its" modifies "ball" and the noun phrase "its ball" is the object of the verb "chased." Note that "its" is the possessive adjective and "it's" is a contraction for "it is."
Demonstrative Adjectives
The demonstrative adjectives "this," "these," "that," "those," and "what" are identical to the demonstrative pronouns, but are used as adjectives to modify nouns or noun phrases, as in the following sentences:
When the librarian tripped over that cord, she dropped a pile of books.
In this sentence, the demonstrative adjective "that" modifies the noun "cord" and the noun phrase "that cord" is the object of the preposition "over."
This apartment needs to be fumigated.
Here "this" modifies "apartment" and the noun phrase "this apartment" is the subject of the sentence.
Even though my friend preferred those plates, I bought these.
In the subordinate clause, "those" modifies "plates" and the noun phrase "those plates" is the object of the verb "preferred." In the independent clause, "these" is the direct object of the verb "bought."
Note that the relationship between a demonstrative adjective and a demonstrative pronoun is similar to the relationship between a possessive adjective and a possessive pronoun, or to that between a interrogative adjective and an interrogative pronoun.
Interrogative Adjectives
An interrogative adjective ("which" or "what") is like an interrogative pronoun, except that it modifies a noun or noun phrase rather than standing on its own (see also demonstrative adjectives and possessive adjectives):
Which plants should be watered twice a week?
Like other adjectives, "which" can be used to modify a noun or a noun phrase. In this example, "which" modifies "plants" and the noun phrase "which plants" is the subject of the compound verb "should be watered":
What book are you reading?
In this sentence, "what" modifies "book" and the noun phrase "what book" is the direct object of the compound verb "are reading."
Indefinite Adjectives
An indefinite adjective is similar to an indefinite pronoun, except that it modifies a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase, as in the following sentences:
Many people believe that corporations are under-taxed.
The indefinite adjective "many" modifies the noun "people" and the noun phrase "many people" is the subject of the sentence.
I will send you any mail that arrives after you have moved to Sudbury.
The indefinite adjective "any" modifies the noun "mail" and the noun phrase "any mail" is the direct object of the compound verb "will send."
They found a few goldfish floating belly up in the swan pound.
In this example the indefinite adjective modifies the noun "goldfish" and the noun phrase is the direct object of the verb "found":
The title of Kelly's favourite game is "All dogs go to heaven."
Here the indefinite pronoun "all" modifies "dogs" and the full title is a subject complement.

Terjemah Indonesia

Apakah Itu Adjective?
sifat (Adjective) memodifikasi kata benda atau kata ganti dengan menjelaskan, mengidentifikasi, atau mengukur kata-kata. Kata sifat biasanya mendahului kata benda atau kata ganti yang memodifikasi.
Dalam contoh berikut, kata-kata yang disorot adalah kata sifat:
Balon truk berbentuk melayang di atas puncak pohon.
Ibu Morrison menempeli dinding dapur dengan kertas dinding mengerikan.
Perahu kecil kandas di laut gelap anggur.
Tambang batubara yang gelap dan lembap.
Banyak toko sudah mulai bermain menjengkelkan musik Natal.
Sebuah kotak musik babak belur duduk di bufet mahoni.
Ruang belakang penuh dengan besar, hujan sepatu kuning.
Kata sifat dapat dimodifikasi oleh kata keterangan, atau dengan frase atau klausa yang berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan. Dalam kalimat
Suami rajutan saya rumit bermotif sarung tangan.
misalnya, kata keterangan "rumit" memodifikasi kata sifat "bermotif."
Beberapa kata benda, kata ganti banyak, dan banyak frasa partisip juga dapat bertindak sebagai kata sifat. Dalam kalimat
Eleanor mendengarkan suara teredam dari radio tersembunyi di bawah bantal.
misalnya, keduanya disorot kata sifat yang participles masa lalu.
Tata bahasa juga mempertimbangkan artikel ( "the", "a", "sebuah") menjadi kata sifat.
Kata sifat kepemilikan
Sebuah kata sifat posesif ( "saya," "Anda," "nya," "nya," "nya," "kami," "mereka") mirip atau identik dengan kata ganti posesif; Namun, itu digunakan sebagai kata sifat dan memodifikasi kata benda atau frase kata benda, seperti dalam kalimat berikut:
Aku tidak bisa menyelesaikan tugas saya karena saya tidak memiliki buku teks.
Dalam kalimat ini, kata sifat posesif "saya" memodifikasi "tugas" dan frase kata benda "tugas saya" berfungsi sebagai objek. Perhatikan bahwa kata ganti posesif bentuk "saya" tidak digunakan untuk memodifikasi nomina atau frase nomina.
Berapa nomor telepon anda.
Berikut kata sifat posesif "Anda" digunakan untuk memodifikasi frase kata benda "nomor telepon"; seluruh benda frase "nomor telepon Anda" merupakan pelengkap subjek. Perhatikan bahwa kata ganti posesif bentuk "Anda" tidak digunakan untuk memodifikasi nomina atau frase nomina.
Toko roti yang dijual tipe favoritnya roti.
Dalam contoh ini, kata sifat posesif "nya" memodifikasi kata benda "jenis favorit roti" dan seluruh frase kata benda "tipe favoritnya roti" adalah objek langsung dari kata kerja "dijual."
Setelah bertahun-tahun, ia kembali ke tanah airnya.
Berikut kata sifat posesif "dia" memodifikasi kata benda "tanah air" dan frase kata benda "nya tanah air" adalah objek dari preposisi "ke". Perhatikan juga bahwa bentuk "miliknya" tidak digunakan untuk memodifikasi nomina atau frasa nomina.
Kami telah kehilangan cara kami di kayu ini.
Dalam kalimat ini, kata sifat posesif "kami" memodifikasi "jalan" dan frase kata benda "perjalanan" adalah objek langsung dari kata kerja majemuk "telah kehilangan". Perhatikan bahwa kata ganti posesif bentuk "kita" tidak digunakan untuk memodifikasi nomina atau frasa nomina.
Dalam banyak dongeng, anak-anak diabaikan oleh orang tua mereka.
Berikut kata sifat posesif "mereka" memodifikasi "orang tua" dan frase kata benda "orang tua mereka" adalah obyek preposisi "oleh." Perhatikan bahwa bentuk kata ganti posesif "mereka" tidak digunakan untuk memodifikasi nomina atau frasa nomina.
kucing mengejar bola menuruni tangga dan masuk ke halaman belakang.
Dalam kalimat ini, kata sifat posesif "nya" memodifikasi "bola" dan frase kata benda "bola-nya" adalah objek dari kata kerja "dikejar." Perhatikan bahwa "nya" adalah kata sifat posesif dan "itu" adalah kontraksi untuk "itu."
Kata Sifat demonstratif
kata sifat demonstratif "ini," "ini," "itu," "mereka," dan "apa" yang identik dengan kata ganti demonstratif, tetapi digunakan sebagai kata sifat untuk memodifikasi nomina atau frase nomina, seperti dalam kalimat berikut:
Ketika pustakawan tersandung kabel itu, dia menjatuhkan setumpuk buku.
Dalam kalimat ini, kata sifat demonstratif "bahwa" memodifikasi kata benda "kabel" dan frase kata benda "yang kabel" adalah obyek preposisi "lebih."
Apartemen ini perlu difumigasi.
Berikut "ini" memodifikasi "apartemen" dan frase kata benda "apartemen ini" adalah subjek kalimat.
Meskipun teman saya lebih suka mereka piring, saya membeli ini.
Dalam klausa bawahan, "orang-orang" memodifikasi "piring" dan frase kata benda "yang piring" adalah objek dari kata kerja "disukai." Dalam klausul independen, "ini" adalah objek langsung dari kata kerja "membeli."
Perhatikan bahwa hubungan antara kata sifat demonstratif dan kata ganti demonstratif mirip dengan hubungan antara kata sifat posesif dan kata ganti posesif, atau bahwa antara kata sifat interogatif dan ganti interogatif.
Kata Sifat interogatif
Kata sifat interogatif ( "yang" atau "apa") adalah seperti kata ganti interogatif, kecuali bahwa ia memodifikasi nomina atau kata benda frase daripada berdiri sendiri (lihat juga kata sifat demonstratif dan kata sifat posesif):
tanaman yang harus disiram dua kali seminggu?
Seperti kata sifat lainnya, "yang" dapat digunakan untuk memodifikasi nomina atau frase nomina. Dalam contoh ini, "yang" memodifikasi "tanaman" dan frase kata benda "yang tanaman" adalah subyek dari kata kerja majemuk "harus disiram":

Buku apa yang sedang kamu baca?
Dalam kalimat ini, "apa" memodifikasi "buku" dan frase kata benda "buku apa" adalah objek langsung dari kata kerja majemuk "membaca."
Kata Sifat tak terbatas
Kata sifat tak terbatas mirip dengan kata ganti tak terbatas, kecuali bahwa ia memodifikasi kata benda, kata ganti, atau frase nomina, seperti dalam kalimat berikut:
Banyak orang percaya bahwa perusahaan berada di bawah-pajak.
Kata sifat yang tak terbatas "banyak" memodifikasi kata benda "orang" dan frase kata benda "banyak orang" adalah subjek kalimat.
Saya akan mengirimkan setiap email yang datang setelah Anda pindah ke Sudbury.
Kata sifat yang tak terbatas "apapun" memodifikasi kata benda "mail" dan frase kata benda "ada surat" adalah objek langsung dari kata kerja majemuk "akan mengirim."
Mereka menemukan beberapa ikan mas mengambang perut di pound angsa.
Dalam contoh ini kata sifat tak terbatas memodifikasi kata benda "ikan mas" dan frase kata benda adalah objek langsung dari kata kerja "ditemukan":
Judul permainan favorit Kelly adalah "Semua anjing pergi ke surga."
Berikut kata ganti tak terbatas "semua" memodifikasi "anjing" dan judul lengkap merupakan pelengkap subjek.

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